Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our new addition!

Mommy and baby in the NICU

Hi there!! A lot has happened since my first and last pregnancy update. I'll get right to it! First off, I previously stated that I had 2 1/2 months left, however, I ended up only having a month and nine days left. Baby #3 was born via emergency c-section on May 12th (original due date was June 18th). I was visiting my parents 3 hours away to "relax" a bit before the baby came. Sweet Pea had other plans it seems. The night before we planned to go back home I started to have contractions. They were more painful than braxton hicks but I was only 34 weeks so I wrote it off. Over the next hour or so they did not die down and were lasting a minute at about 4 minutes apart. I went to my parents' local L&D to get checked out just in case. I was totally closed but having regular painful contractions. They did various tests & an ultrasound and had no idea why I was contracting on a regular basis but not dilating. I kept waiting and begging them to send me home, thinking it was just false labor. They tried several drugs to stop my contractions with no luck. My nurse was just about to start me on Magnesium when I had a contraction, and felt a pop and a gush. I knew my water had broke. I immediately started bawling and called my nurse. I was not ready for her. I still had 5 weeks to go and I wasn't at home! I felt the pad under me to see if it was wet and it was but I was not prepared for what was on my finger. Bright red blood. I knew something was very wrong. The resident doctor came in and check me and I went from 0 to a finger tip dilated in about 15 minutes and my contractions were on top of each other...literally. They were overlapping and you couldn't even see the peaks on the monitor. It was the most painful labor I had ever experienced. The on-call doctor came in, took one look at my contraction pattern and bleeding, and diagnosed me with possible placental abruption and informed me that I would be having a c-section right now. What? What? Wait! I'm alone! My husband is at home 3 hours away! I can't be having my baby right now! I had sent my mom home a few hours earlier thinking I would be discharged after the attending doctor came on shift, so I was really alone. My sister drove like the wind to be there with me during the delivery while my husband headed there too. Everything is a blur. Papers to sign, giving blood samples, and being prepped for my delivery. Mind you, before this I had only had normal uncomplicated and easy vaginal deliveries. I was taken into the OR and about 10 minutes later my precious baby girl Abigail was born screaming her little head off. Such a wonderful sound. My sister described how she looks and what the NICU staff was doing to her. She was having some problems breathing so off to the NICU she went. I did get to see her and kiss her and she looked just like her daddy. She was perfect. My head was spinning with what had happened. I finally got to see my hubby in the recovery room, he brought me my mother's day cards and let me cry. She's here, healthy and absolutely beautiful. If the hospital would have discharged me when I want to I could have been on the freeway heading home when all of this went down. I know for a fact God had his hand over us keeping us safe. Sweet Pea is truly a gift from Him.

I am also working on a story of Sweet Pea's time in NICU. Thank you for reading!  

Going home!!!

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